Wind Powered Supertankers!

05-06-kite-assisted-shipIn order to continue enjoying our everyday lives in the same manner that we currently do, we must become careful of how we use our available energy and consume it cleverly. One particular innovation that particularly stands out is the use of kites to pull large ships and supertankers as shown in the picture above.

Our understanding of aerodynamics and the technological improvements that can be found within the kitesurfing world currently can be harnessed to be used in different modes of transportation such as the supertankers. The history of marine transportation shows us that people were dependant on the wind to navigate the worlds oceans.



Innovation in Steel Production: Electric Arc Furnace


The global steel industry is experiencing a shift the production process of steel. This is the result of innovations in the recycling of steel, which is one of the few construction materials that can be fully recycled.
The use of an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) enables production of steel sources entirely from scrap steel. This dramatically decreases the amount of energy required to produce steel. It is also a much cleaner process with a smaller impact on the enironment than primary steelmaking methods such as Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) and Blast Furnaces.

The EAF is also benifitial as it is a sustainable approach for the future steelmaking industry as it requires less start-up capital than primary steelmaking factory’s.

Aspiration – Civil Engineer. Inspiration – Richard Feynman


One of my main influences has been Richard Feynman, which I had come across through my Highschool physics teacher. He recommended a book to me to read called; Six Easy Pieces by Richard P. Feynman. Little did he know that by reading the book, I would be engulfed into a world of Physics that enabled me to comprehend the world we live in, filling the void in my mind of the intricate universe we live in. For starters, looking at the moon and stars at night became much more meaningful because there is a difference between knowing that the moon affects the Earths’ tides and actually understanding how it does so through its gravitational pull.

Richard Feynman has made a huge impact on my life, and for that I am very grateful.

Metal That Breathes – Doris Kim


Doris Kim has managed to eradicate the energy consumption of a building’s ventilation system. Currently, structures need to be ventilated so that the are cool during the day. The problem is that the Suns’ rays heats up the interior of the building, this is a huge issue especially in hot climates. Doris Kim has come up with the idea of using two sheets of metal that change shape when heated by the sun. These can be placed on the exterior of buildings to minimise the heat that is transfered into the building.

I found this very interesting mainly due to the fact that floor-to-ceiling windows are very common in structures because of the amazing views it gives from both outside and inside. However, the large windows allow thermal heat transfer into and out of the building much more than walls do. The idea put forward by Kim allows for new building design, and  will decrease the energy used in the ventilation system of the building.

I really like the innovation in the idea, mainly due to the fact that the system harnesses the natural energy from the Sun. The way I see it, we should harness the ‘free’ energy available on a day to day basis. Its there so we might as well capitalise on it.

Doris Kim – Metal That Breathes TEDTalks